Friday, April 17, 2015

You have to meet my doctor...

You have to meet my Doctor...

My foot had been hurting for 16 months, which is a week in normal people's terms. I finally saw a doctor. He said I needed to see a podiatrist.

The podiatrist diagnosed me, said my foot was broken, and probably had been for quite some time. He thought I needed a cast, and I told him I don't play, nor do I star in them and that I was not going to wear a cast. He didn't get it, at first, nor, really, at last, but he did understand I was not going to wear a cast.

So, he had some thing made to fit in my shoe and suggested I not walk or stand without this thing being in my shoe for 3 months. He said my foot would heal, and then it would need to reshape. I promised 6 weeks, because, I'm not all that sharp, and it was uncomfortable.

Funny thing happened, after six weeks, my foot stopped hurting. The excruciating pain actually went away. I decided the other six weeks didn't sound so bad, but four weeks more seemed reasonable, because, you know, even though I was healing, less seemed like more. Another four weeks passed and two weeks jumped on the end of it and before you know it, I'd been obedient till the end. My foot was all better!

That was four years ago. My foot is still at the end of my ankle, and it feels great, and with its nerves, 'cause that's what feet do.

It's amazing what has happened since I met and obeyed that podiatrist.

More so, it's amazing since I met God. It's amazing what happens when we get the treatment we really need.

"But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed." (Isaiah 53:5 ESV)

Friend, do you know The Law tells us we're afflicted? We might call it Dr. Law. He has a helper, Dr. Conscience. Nurse Experience and Intern Failure often assist the good doctors, but they do their work; they tell us we need help they cannot offer. They diagnose, but they cannot cure.

We need The Great Physician for that! We need God! There's a problem, though...

We cannot get into to see The Great Physician! We have no audience with Him! Dr. Law and Dr. Conscience work in The Great Physician's office, but they cannot open the door to His office. We need access, but we cannot get it alone. We need an Advocate. That's what the cross does for us. It pays the debt we owe, breaks down the wall of hostility, makes peace with God and allows us to go before Him.

When we trust in Jesus, the healing begins. According to the Prophet Isaiah, that's what Jesus's death on the cross did for us. He was crushed for our sin, that we might have audience with God. He was chastised in our place, that we might have peace with God. His wounds initiated the healing of our relationship, and those wounds are the beginning of our full healing, too.

See, it starts with knowing The Great Physician. It starts there. If we don't know Him, we cannot receive His help. If we do not know Him, we cannot receive His healing.

Some healing happens right away -- the sick, broken relationship with God is what is first healed.

Then, as we obey His prescribed treatments, we get emotional healing, sometimes physical healing, mental healing, spiritual starts in this life and culminates when we pass through the Judgement and are given a new, glorified body, enabled to live in full and free fellowship with God throughout eternity.

Have you met my Doctor?
You need to meet my team!
You need to meet The Great Physician!
He IS healing!
He is rest!

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