Sunday, September 14, 2014

In Christ, the Local Church pictures Hostility being Crushed

The local church I'm a part of has its weekly, corporate gathering on Sunday nights (versus Sunday morning, which is more typical where we live). That being said, I usually go somewhere on Sunday mornings; sometimes to preach, sometimes to rep YFC, sometimes to simply enjoy the Body of Christ. This morning, I decided to rest a bit and wait for our local church's gathering tonight. So, here I am watching Thomas Road Baptist Church's weekly service. It's's better than watching a lot of other things I could be watching...the music is awesome...the mission focus on Guatemala was inspiring...I'm betting the preaching will be solid (hadn't gotten to it yet)...BUT NOTHING REPLACES the dynamic of actually being together, and nothing is supposed to REPLACE it! Things like this can encourage us, but we are designed for community. The Spirit calls us to community. The Lord commands us to community. For any of my dear and beloved FB friends who enjoy watching church services on TV, don't stop! Don't stop listening to solid doctrine; don't stop singing along with the choirs, praise teams and soloists...BUT DO GATHER WITH THE BODY OF CHRIST IN PERSON AND REGULARLY! Do not think for one moment that what is coming across the TV waves is enough. True, it may be all you have at this moment, but don't let it stay that way!

One of the great testimonies of the church is to live on display. In other words, we live out in the world and among each other, that God's work might be seen in us. I'm oft encouraged by this passage: "But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility by abolishing the law of commandments expressed in ordinances, that he might create in himself one new man in place of the two, so making peace, and might reconcile us both to God in one body through the cross, thereby killing the hostility." (Ephesians 2:13-16 ESV)

One of the beautiful things about the work of Christ is breaking down walls of division. Primarily and preeminently, Christ breaks down the walls between God and sinful men and women. But, Jesus also destroys the dividing walls of hostility between man and man. He brings peace. A church gathering puts that peace on display. Local churches gather and show -- or SHOULD show -- that we CAN unite in Christ and focus together on Him. Local churches should embrace diversity that puts the dividing-wall-busting power of Jesus on display...
Rich and poor, together because of Jesus...
Old and young, together because of Jesus...
Differing races, together because of Jesus...
Differing levels of education together, because of Jesus...
Professionals and laborers together, because of Jesus..
And, more...

See it, yet?

The peace and the diversity and the joy...together...needs to be on display, for our joy and our growth...but for more than that, for God's glory!

There are more reasons to be involved in a local church -- bodily involved, spiritually involved, etc. -- but the reason that is encouraging my heart this morning is the desire to bring God glory as we display His walls-of-division-destroying heart!

If you have no 11:00 AM church home, perhaps you are reading this so I can invite you to be a part of our 6:00 PM church home. If you have an 11:00 AM church home -- or 10:30 or 8:30 or AM in general -- perhaps you are reading this to either #1 remind you to be there next week OR #2 to encourage your heart as to the reason to be there OR #3 embrace diversity for the glory of God. Desire unity in solid doctrine, for it truly does unify, and diversity in people-type. Ask God to break down walls of hostility and put that on display in local churches!

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