Wednesday, March 21, 2007



“The LORD is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear him” (Psalms 103:13 – New Living Translation).

I have a friend named Andy Solomon. Long before I had a child of my own, I watched Andy be a dad. He was taking me to fatherhood school. Well, really it was more than that. He was taking me to “daddy” school. Any man can father a child, it takes a real man to be a daddy. I saw Andy soothe his children when they were in pain and right them when they were wrong. I saw him correct one child with one breath and calm another of his children the next instant. It was a beautiful thing! There is no way I can repay Andy for letting God use him to teach me about being a dad. One thing that was always noticeable…there was genuine love and affection in every case, whether they were being rebuked or pacified.

Oh, my friend, what a Father we have in heaven! If you have ever seen a wonderful example of an earthly father, then imagine the blessedness of knowing the PERFECT FATHER. This God of wonder knows our needs more than anyone else, “for he understands how weak we are” (Psalm 103:14a – NLT). Psalm 103:8 says, “The LORD is merciful and gracious; he is slow to get angry and full of unfailing love” (NLT), so we can be assured that His correction is timely and right. Our heavenly Father does not hold grudges for His word rightly says, “He will not constantly accuse us, nor remain angry forever” (Psalm 103:9 – NLT).

THIS Father truly sheds amazing grace! It is no wonder that Jesus said, “When you pray, say: Our Father in heaven…” (Luke 11:2b – NKJV), for He knew of this amazing Father and wanted us to know Him the same way. Father, in this case, is not a distant term, but an intimate one. You see friend, this great God is tender and compassionate and HE is the true mark of a father. He lords His household and it is marked by mercy. His justice is true. His love knows to no end. He is tender in rebuke and kind to the hurting. WHAT A DADDY!

There is one thing, however, that we must know. We must “fear” Him. That means respect, obey, and revere. Of course we all know that there is no problem to obey someone we treasure. He deals with us with genuine love and affection, so it makes it joy to “fear” Him.

There is MUCH to be learned and gained from an earthly father. There is countless blessing to be gained from God the perfect father. I remarked to Andy once about how I admired his parenting. He told me to look at God’s example of fatherhood for it was perfect. Andy was right.

Do you see God as distant or do you know Him intimately? His children know His love. Do you know God as “daddy” today?

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