The Hues of the Heart
“But the Lord said to Samuel, ‘Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart’” (1 Samuel 16:7 – New King James Version).
Isn’t fall a beautiful time of year? The colors are breathtaking! God is the most awesome artist in the universe. I love to ride to the mountains in the fall of the year, so I can stand on a high place and look out on God’s painting. He uses such vivid hues and such a variety of color. Some shades are brilliant, and some rich earthy tones. Nothing clashes, but all the colors compliment each other. I am always inspired by creation to worship God who generated and conducts so many pieces of this orchestra of the eyes. What an overwhelming God He is!
When Samuel went to anoint a new king of Israel, his natural choice was the oldest, tallest, and best looking of the eight sons of Jesse. God plainly told Samuel to not choose the king by outward appearance. God was clear, He looks at the heart! So, what does Samuel do? He works his way through the sons in order of age and appearance anyway. Who does God lead Samuel to anoint? You’re right, David, the youngest, and scrawniest son of Jesse. This kid had been out in the sun, getting a deep tan, with those stinking sheep. You’ve seen folks coming in from working on the farm; you can bet David was a sight!
It’s a good thing that God looks at the heart. I sure wish we could, or should I say would? How can so many different color trees look so beautiful in our eyes, while we can’t appreciate the wonderful and rich colors God has made people? Are not the trees all made of wood? Are not people all made of flesh? What would fall be like if we chose and appointed one tree as superior and refused the beauty of the mixture of colors? Quite dull, at best, I’d say. It’d make for a tragic end of God’s artwork if we ignored all but one color of tree.
Israel found that out the hard way. Read chapter 8 of 1 Samuel sometime. The people refused God’s warning and chose a king themselves based on what THEY thought was right. They chose Saul. He nearly destroyed the kingdom of Israel.
We can choose by looks, and make severe mistakes. OR, we can do it God’s way, and look on the heart. That’s really what He is most concerned with. A man asked me very seriously one day did I think all colors of folks would make it to heaven. I had to answer and emphatic, “NO!” He said, rather surprised, “I AGREE! White people will go to heaven.” I said, again, “NO!” “Then,” he asked, “What is that one color?” I said, “Red.” Looking bewildered, he asked, “How do you figure that?” I quoted John 14:6 to this fellow. He agreed that Jesus was the only way to the Father. Then I quoted this verse; “And according to the law almost all things are purified with blood, and without shedding of blood there is no remission” (Hebrews 9:22 – NKJV). Everyone must be red because their sins must be covered by the blood of Jesus!
Now, dear Christian friend, we must understand that God chooses according to the heart and redeems all who come by the sacrifice of Christ. We must understand that it is the hue of the heart that matters most. NO, I’m not referring to literal color, but to the position of a person in Christ.
Color, however, is something to be appreciated; even embraced. If you want to appreciate one color and one color only, then appreciate that color that flowed freely at Calvary.
As you look out on this human race, think of it as trees in the fall. You will begin to see God’s artwork in living color and flesh. It will revolutionize your view of people. I beg you, however, look most at the hue of the heart. Red, yellow, black, and white…what is the hue of your heart?
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