Consider God's steadfast love...
"'For the mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but my steadfast love shall not depart from you, and my covenant of peace shall not be removed,' says the LORD, who has compassion on you." (Isaiah 54:10 ESV)
These words ought to lift the heart of the saint: "...My steadfast love shall not depart from you..."
If God is for us, who can stand against us? If NOTHING can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord, we ought to be people of settled, humble confidence. (see Romans 8:31-39)
If every single thing crumbles -- if "...the mountains ... depart and the hills be removed..." -- God's love is still with us. It's not a matter of the sight of trouble or the lack of sight of God's presence that proves His love, but that He has promised it shall not depart. His word is true! (And, for we New Testament saints who look BACK at the cross, we know that God so loved that world that He gave His Son... love on massive display, and the work thereof still in effect for all who will believe and receive!)
Further, if the mountains and hills can crumble or be removed and God's love still remain, surely, our troubles can be remove or yet remain and God's love will still stand true. God is able to lift us again and again from the valley!
It is God's love that gives us eternal purpose in life and secure our eternity beyond this life.
It is God's love that gives us compassionate, sacrificial concern for others.
You see, beloved friend, God IS love, and God is, so, being that God is, and that He is love, then love shall remain! The need for hope will pass, for Christ shall come and victory will be complete. The need for faith will at some point be no more, for we shall have sight. But, OH! BUT!!!!! His love shall remain!
God's love is steadfast because God is steadfast. His love is surer than death and taxes. That, dear hearts and loved ones, is reason to rejoice and run the race of faith with fervor today!
Enjoy this song today: