Tuesday, February 25, 2020

The weaker faith of sight...
"Then they believed his words; they sang his praise." (Psalm 106:12 ESV)
Part of this Psalm refers to Israel's belief in God's word AFTER they saw God defeat the Egyptians by crashing the Red Sea down upon them (see Exodus 14). Their faith needed sight.

The ESV Study Bible says of Psalm 106, "This historical psalm recites a series of events from Israel’s history to illustrate God’s steadfast love in the face of Israel’s rebellion and unfaithfulness. The events are selected from Israel’s time following Moses in the wilderness (Exodus and Numbers) and from the time when Israel repeatedly indulged in rebellion against the Lord after the death of Joshua (Judges). All of the episodes are instances of the whole people being unfaithful, and of God’s continuing commitment to maintain this people and to foster among them the conditions in which piety can flourish. The focus is therefore on corporate unfaithfulness and forgiveness."
This Psalm also relates to Exodus 15:1-21. When Israel finally believed God, they praised Him!
The context is a great illustration of my truer point, which is, Israel has plenty of reason for faith BECAUSE they clearly SEE what God has done and is doing -- reason enough, I'd say, to KEEP believing when they DON'T SEE -- yet they keep falling away. Faith is a huge struggle for Israel. Hmmm... maybe we can relate. 
Faith after sight, when there is opportunity, is faith nonetheless, but it could be confirming faith or it could be damning faith. Let me explain...
Take the Apostle Thomas for example. He couldn't believe the resurrection until he not only SAW the risen Jesus, but also was allowed to touch the wounds of Jesus (see John 20:29). Church history tells us Thomas took the gospel to India, and also died there. In his case, having seen, Thomas' faith was confirmed and he was made stronger, more committed, and more resolute in his service to the Lord.
Some, however, will find faith BY sight damning. There will come a time when EVERY person will SEE Jesus on His throne, ruling. EVERY knee will bow; EVERY tongue will confess (see Philippians 2:5-11). However, it will be too late then for such belief to save. Faith unto salvation happens before we stand at the throne, and such faith is approved at the throne (see John 3:18).
Faith without sight happens when it comes as revelation. When God presents the truth of Jesus to us, and we take Him at His word, believing in our heart and confessing with our mouths (see Romans 10:9-10). Such belief leads to repentance and good works (see Matthew 3:8). In other words, when the Holy Spirit brings conviction, we believe Him, trust God, and live a changed life.
That's not to say we don't see, have never seen, or won't see God work. It means we take Him at His word!
It's like Jesus told Thomas: "You believe because you have seen me. But blessed are those who haven’t seen me and believe anyway." (my paraphrase of John 20:29) THAT is the stronger faith! That is saving faith! That is securing faith! That is sheltering faith! That is sanctifying faith!
Friend, are you waiting to see something? God is speaking to your heart if you have read this far. You wouldn't be compelled to read this far if the Holy Spirit were not dealing with you. Believe God that Jesus' blood is necessary to pay for your sins and sufficient to do so. The Holy Spirit is giving you the desire and sense to read this. Trust Him!
Get down on your knees... humble yourself ... confess your need of God and receive His gift of grace in Jesus. Follow Jesus as your King and Lord.
Friend, do not wait until your faith must be by sight, for what you want to SEE may come too late for you to believe.
You who say you believe in God, get to praising Him! Let His glory ring! Sing! Praise! Shout! Dance! Give God the glory, glory! Testify!
When we do believe, we share! Even the weaker faith of sight confesses. Surely, the stronger faith of believing without seeing sings praises too, and more glorious to the soul!

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