Thursday, February 27, 2020

That YOU know your conversion is real.

Read with eternal, internal, supernal, temporal caution...
Something is about to be disturbed, unless you quit now.
Was it a prayer? Was it some strange sign? Was it a dunk or a sprinkle? Was it a walk down the aisle? Was it by membership gained? Was it by a position held? Was it by certain knowledge gained? Was it by an emotional experience or outburst?
Is it by any of these things?
What marks your conversion? What sign? What indication?
What signature of Christ is upon you?
Look here, dear friend, and see this then what Jesus would say. Should we wonder if our hearts His, our souls secure and our hope fixed, we'd best hear these words of the Master.
One cannot be saved save by Him who was born to save, lived to die, that by dying we might be saved from wrath and by raising we might be saved from death.
What marks one who is marked by Him who was marked by nails and a spear?
Listen...Jesus says...
1. Jesus says IF one is His disciple, one continues in -- that is hears, learns, heeds and obeys -- His word. One is marked by obeying the Master: "So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, 'If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples...'"(John 8:31, ESV)

2. Jesus says IF one is His disciple, one loves -- that is, lives it out, not as an emotion or feeling, but in action, by fact -- LIKE He loves -- that is, sacrificially, not only when it's convenient or easy: "By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." (John 13:35, ESV)

3. Jesus says IF one is His disciple, one bears fruit -- that means one's life has results, and by fruit, He means that life is producing His likeness: "By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples." (John 15:8, ESV)

Whatever mark we might have been considering, these are the marks He is considering. Sure, Jesus has come to save, but He will come to judge. Obedience to His word...sacrificial love for others, like Him...death of me that I might bear fruit of Him...that's what Jesus is looking for.
Sure, we'd better be baptized.
Sure, we'd better gather with the Body of Christ.
Sure, we'd better work.
Sure, we'd be brave and right to ask for miracles.
Sure, we'd better have a share a public testimony.
Are we dead and busy or alive and living?
These void of those are not that.
But, what does JESUS SAY about those who are His disciples?
Continue in His word...
Love sacrificially like Him...
Die to self, and bear His life in our bodies...
Think on this.

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