Tuesday, April 21, 2020

How does your faith direct your life?

Here? Now? How?
"Jesus said to the people who believed in him, 'You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings.'" (John 8:31 NLT)
In context of the entire exchange, it seems Jesus spoke those words to some people who didn't truly believe in Him. To "abide" in the teaching of Jesus, or, as the NLT says, to "remain" in the teaching of Jesus is to keep on believing and continue on in trying to live in obedience to what He has said and who He is.
It seems each of our moments can be tested --on the one hand-- and built --on the other hand-- by the continual determination of whether we are abiding in Jesus (see John 15:1-5) and abiding in His word.
Think on how probing these questions are...
Am I remaining in belief in Jesus --right now, right here-- today?
Am I continuing in obeying Jesus's teachings where I am in this moment?
Am I seeking His face right here, right now?

Does Jesus's teaching tell me...
...how I ought to be thinking, right here, right now?
...what I should be saying, right here, right now?
...what my priorities should be, right here, right now?
...how I should be treating others, right here, right now?
...how I should be honoring the Father, right here, right now?
...what I should be expecting of the Spirit, right here, right now?

Right here, right now, do I...
...hold to Jesus's teachings? (NIV)
...continue in Jesus's teachings? (NASB, KJV, HCSB, NCV)
...remain faithful to Jesus's teachings? (NLT)
...abide in Jesus's teachings? (ESV, ASV)
...live by Jesus's teachings? (GWT)
...hold fast to Jesus's teachings? (AMP)
...obey the teachings of Jesus? (GNT)
Here? Yes. And there.
Now? Yes. And then.

How? Holding to -- Continuing -- Remaining faithful -- Abiding in -- Living by -- Holding fast to -- Obeying the teachings of the Master, Jesus of Nazareth, the Messiah / Christ of God.

May God bless us to abide in Him and His teachings, that we might prove to be His disciples; true ones, at that. Help us, O Lord, I pray, in and through Jesus, for our good and for Your glory. Amen.

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