Tuesday, April 14, 2020

I enjoy!

Glad He let me in...
You don't have to convince me I'm a sinner. Even before I knew what God's word said about much of anything, I knew for a fact I did not even always hold true to my own sense of right and wrong. I didn't need a referee to tell me I was out of bounds, but I did need help to get back into play.
Then, when I began to see the heart and holiness of God, I truly saw (and grieved) at my spiritual condition.
I knew (and know) I needed help. I needed (and need) a Champion...a Rescuer...a Friend...an Advocate...Someone to pay the debt I clearly made...I needed (and need) a Savior.
Jesus gave Himself for me. He is my guilt offering. He makes me acceptable to the Lord. I enjoy that acceptance!
The Proverb writer said, "Fools mock at the guilt offering, but the upright enjoy acceptance." (Proverbs 14:9 ESV)
We can understand why some mock Jesus. They don't see any need of Him. It is foolishness to such a one to think they even have guilt that needs atoning, or if such a one sees their sin, they don't count Jesus's payment as necessary for their need.
I do understand, but I won't join in. I will enjoy!

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