Sunday, August 09, 2020

We need fellowship with God!

 In or out of fellowship? Present AND doing?

A professor once explained relationship as “being in Christ” and “being in the Body of Christ” to distinguish the relational aspects of our walk with Christ and our walk with each other (the church). He was careful to build his point in this regard because he wanted to make a larger point about fellowship. He said fellowship was “doing with” Christ. In other words, when in Christ AND when allowing Him to do His will in and with you, we are sharing in what He is doing. 

I can honestly say I had to meditate on that for quite awhile. I mean, I was in class, and I took notes, but I had to think about what the professor was saying for weeks upon weeks before I “got it.” 

A person can be “saved” (in Christ) and “in church” (physically with God’s people) but not be in fellowship — that is actively abiding in Christ and thus allowing Him to have His will and way in and through them. Thus, we might say, such a person is “out of fellowship.” The same, by analogy, might be said of our fellowship in the Body of Christ; when we are not in the work of God together (“doing with” together), we are often out of fellowship. 

Perhaps that is the grand key to understanding how to have comfort from God. Paul says, “So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy…” (Philippians 2:1 ESV) Perhaps we, at times and for seasons, have no “encouragement” from the Lord or “comfort” from the Lord because we’ve been “out of fellowship.” Perhaps we have not been “doing with” Him His work, and have thus become distant and are not receiving from Him because we are not abiding in Him nor allowing Him to abide in us.

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