Monday, September 28, 2020

a short series on Authority; part 3

The Proper Response to Authority...

"Therefore one must be in subjection, not only to avoid God's wrath but also for the sake of conscience. For because of this you also pay taxes, for the authorities are ministers of God, attending to this very thing. Pay to all what is owed to them: taxes to whom taxes are owed, revenue to whom revenue is owed, respect to whom respect is owed, honor to whom honor is owed." (Romans 13:5-7, ESV)

One could sum up the proper response to authority by saying “just do it.”

Fear is a great motivator, but a believer should not live by fear. For sure, believers are not exempt from the consequences of doing wrong. We often think we should be, but it’s just not so. Being “in subjection” should not be motivated by the fear of being caught or suffering consequences. Rather, our surrender should be motivated by the simple reward of walking in fellowship with God in obedience, and the result that brings, which is (a) showing Christ to the world through how we live, (b) building up the church and (c) creating a just, verdant society where all have the opportunity to pursue peace.

Personal note: for me, there is little more powerful than a clear “conscience.” It's often hard to find and very hard to beat once found.

These short verses are so extremely practical, one almost feels explaining them is unnecessary. That being said, perhaps the greatest profit maybe illustrating them; for example:

Pay your taxes AND report your income because (a) it’s right, (b) it’s honest, (c) the government is taking care of many things the church OUGHT to be doing. Like me, you might not agree with some things they are doing, but they are doing some things the church ought to be doing, for sure! If we did not abdicate our calling, they would not take up unjust versions of it. Think on that.

Pay other bills on time and with joy (that will blow folks minds!)

Taxes, again… why does this keep coming up? ‘Cause God knows we complain horribly. We like paved roads. Firefighters: subsidized (at every level). Trash service: subsidized (yes, even private contractors). Home mortgage: subsidized. Water, electricity, phones, internet: subsidized. Clean water: subsidized. EVERYTHING is subsidized; milk would cost over $7.00 a gallon without subsidies.

Respect people, whether they deserve it or not (while abhorring evil AND clinging to what’s good…in other words, we don’t excuse sin, but we respect sinners)

Honor people; go back to the idea of contributing to the needs of the saints and showing hospitality to strangers. Be eager to bless people and celebrate good things and be a part of the work of God. Honoring a stranger isn't doing good because you know THEY are good, but because you know GOD is good!

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