Monday, September 14, 2020

Are you teachable?

From being teachable to being known...

"So Barnabas went to Tarsus to look for Saul, and when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. For a whole year they met with the church and taught a great many people. And in Antioch the disciples were first called Christians." (Acts 11:25-26 ESV)

The first place disciples of Jesus Christ were called "Christians" was in Antioch. "Christian" means "a follower of Christ," and could most adequately be translated "little Christs." In other words, they were known to be like Jesus. 

Wow. Soak that in. 

There weren't known by their music station, or the fish on their welcome mats, or the cross around their necks -- by the way, no one would've worn a torture / execution symbol -- or any other thing we often measure people by today. They would not have been known as people who mumbled "I believe in God." 

These people were called "Christians" because they exuded the life of Christ. 

Notice something critical; "For a whole year [Barnabas and Paul] met with the church and taught..." 

These people were TEACHABLE! These people were RECEPTIVE! These people embraced GROWTH! These people expected themselves to TRANSFORM!  These people came under the WORD! These people lived lives of SURRENDER! 

Keep reading and you will quickly see the disciples at Antioch LIVED the gospel too. Their lives were not defined by cultural opulence. They were known to be like Jesus. They were known to be like little Christs, living lives focused on God, focused on others; lives focused on service and sacrifice. 

I am praying our area becomes known for having Antiochan type Christians.

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