Sunday, September 20, 2020

Holding fast while being held fast.

When losing is winning...

We cannot both be the boss of our lives and know Jesus as Lord, and we cannot know Jesus as Savior unless we know Him as Lord.

(KNOWING that ALL illustrations break down) Think on this...

A man is drowning; someone throws him a rope; he says, "I am saved!"

Then, he lets go of the rope.

Others who are being towed in pass by the man, urging him to "Take up the rope!" and "Lay hold to safety!" and "Be saved!"

The man says, "Don't fret, friends! Don't judge me! I was saved! I am okay!"

Listen, friend, the one who was saved is being saved and will be saved. The faith that IS HOLDING ON is truly faith that DID GRAB HOLD!

If that one every recognized the means of safety, they will never loose from it or suppose some other means will work.

We must take hold to Jesus and keep holding to Jesus!

Now, reality looks more like this; HE TAKES HOLD TO US! That fellowship is precious to the one saved and being saved. So precious in fact, they grab hold back. To the one that's ever known Him, their grip may slip but He doesn't let go and they renew their grip.

When is losing actually winning? Consider: "Then Jesus told his disciples, 'If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?'" (Matthew 16:24-26 ESV)

Too many of think just because we've seen the rope, or maybe touched the rope that we were saved and are being saved. We MUST deny ourselves and follow Jesus. We must lose any idea of saving ourselves and trust in Christ alone.

God knows whether or not we are saved and being saved. Others can take an educated guess.

WE are the ones who need to know.

Here's the question...from when we latched onto Him at first, have we held on and are drawing closer? Are we less like self and more like Jesus? Are will willing to lose every weight that holds us back? Are we willing for Jesus to kill off everything not like Him and grant new life and new nature in its place?

And, if we dare to gain Him, we must not fear losing self. Actually, that's God's make us NEW CREATIONS, conformed -- that is made into -- the image of Jesus! The Father doesn't look at us as fixer-uppers; no, all our work is no good for the work the Father has in mind. To truly win Christ into ourselves, we must be willing to be rid of ourselves.

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