Monday, September 07, 2020

For some, Jesus is a stumbling-block; for others, He is the Rock of Foundation.

Be focused!

The Apostle Paul said, "For I determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and Him crucified." (1 Corinthians 2:2 NASB)

Believer, be focused on Jesus!

Jeff Iorg said, "The message of Jesus Christ crucified is as radical, confrontational and controversial as it ever was in the first century, and like the first century, people are likely to call you either a stumbling block or a fool. But you stay focused on our message -– Jesus Christ, crucified."

Some time ago, I heard a sermon on the radio from Daniel 3 on Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and I vividly remember the three points of the sermon. They were (1) they wouldn’t bend, (2) they wouldn’t bow, and (3) they wouldn’t break. I want to be that way about the truth of Jesus!

The thing is, the truth that for some Jesus is a stumbling-block is for others the cornerstone (see 1 Peter 2). For some, Jesus makes them stumble. For others, Jesus is the Savior. It's the same Jesus; it's the same message.

Friend, which is Jesus for you, a stone of stumbling, or a sanctifying Savior?

Believer, what are you focused on? Is your calling as a disciple of Jesus at the forefront of your commitments and priorities? Are you focused on Christ and Him crucified?

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