Monday, November 16, 2020

A quiet way.

Oftentimes, silence is valorous...

Have you ever seen the time where there was much you COULD say, but your spirit knew there wasn't a lot you SHOULD say? I have! I have failed in some of those moments and I have succeeded in a few. I want greater and more frequent successes. 

The Proverb writer says, "A dishonest man spreads strife, and a whisperer separates close friends." (Proverbs 16:28 ESV) 

The word "dishonest" could easily be translated "perverse" or "contrary." 

Now, consider...

A perverse person is anyone interested in something besides truth and righteousness. We easily can be strife-spreaders simply by not being committed to truth and righteousness! Wow!

A contrary person is someone who isn't interested in living by truth and righteousness. See that? Same as above! 

Our words and actions must be driven by truth and righteousness or we run the risk of being strife-spreaders.

Secondly, the word "whisperer" can be translated as "gossip." A gossip can come between friends. Listen to me, a person that will gossip about other folks to you will gossip about you to other folks. The same can be said of self, if we will gossip to a friend, we will gossip about a friend. And, once we've seeded a thought, or received a thought seed, it hard to uproot it. It's there, and our view of someone is then shaded. Y'all know that's true!

Sometimes, no often, our best and bravest thing to do is say nothing. If we cannot speak with truth, righteousness and edification, then maybe we ought to just hush.

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