Wednesday, November 25, 2020

What should be covered up and what should be uncovered?

The glorious cover-up...

Part of the role of kings / rulers is to seek to uncover injustice and to work toward restoration. Where there are bribes, prejudices, false-balances, and all sorts maleficence, a king / ruler is beholden by their calling to seek to understand the problem and bring both restoration to the victims and justice to the perpetrators.

Charles Spurgeon said, "A magistrate's honor lies in the discovery of crime, but the glory of God lies in His graciously and justly hiding guilt from view. With God, no search is needful, for He sees all; His glory is to cover that which is plain enough to His eye, to cover it justly and effectually."

The proverb writer said, "It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out." (Proverbs 25:2 ESV)

You see, in the realm of man, we need justice and peace, AND also in the realm of heaven we need justice and peace. Every sin is a soul killer and some sins are society killers. God sees them all, and still desires forgiveness and restoration for every sinner. In the realm of man, we need rulers who are committed to the public peace and prosperity; we need rulers who will discover wrong and deal with it.

We need stuff dealt with! And, God desires to deal with people. It is not hypocritical to desire both! We should want peace and justice in our land AND we should want people to find peace with God.

However, there is more; we should rejoice to be reminded that God desires to cover our sins in the blood of the Lord Jesus. We should be encouraged in remembering God sees all our guilt and offers us all His love. For we who believe, this should compel us in ministry; we have a message of love in spite of sin, not spite for those who love sin.

Think on it! Thank YOU, Lord God, for being nothing like we are!

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