Sunday, November 29, 2020

Good leadership.

Good leadership...

You can be a leader in wrong. You can lead in evil. You can lead in negative endeavors.

I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about good stuff.

Now, let’s talk.

Leadership comes with criticism. Bank on it. Get your head right.

Leadership is a “let’s go” and a “do this” and a “go here” and a “this is right” / “that is wrong” type endeavor. Leadership is creative. It barges into undisturbed places. It maintains good status quo when disorder wants to corrupt and it also challenges entrenched wrongs.

Leadership brings ideas and action, and opens things up for criticism by the very people who were doing the very opposite of leading.

Leadership leads in the face of that.

Prophetic leadership leads on the wind of God’s revelation. It often does things only because of the realm of what cannot be seen by those who are spiritually discerned.

It’s more about going with God, even if no one else going, and trusting Him to bring others along than it is only going if others are going too. In other words, the leader is called and goes forward, out in front, and the followers are called as well, and they come along in the movement.

We need leaders today. We need leaders in what is good. We need leaders who follow God. We need leaders who follow God, even if it’s hard and lonely.

We need followers too. We need God to call out people to follow I what is good.

The Bible says, “When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan.” (Proverbs 29:2 ESV)

May the righteous increase.

May righteous leaders increase.

May righteous followers increase.

May the people have reason to rejoice!

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