Friday, November 20, 2020

Stop saying God hates religion...

Stop saying God hates religion...

We have many sayings that drive down "religion." The one I hear most (with its many derivatives) is "Christianity is relationship not religion."

That's correct. However, it's incorrect to say it in a way where we mean "religion is bad."

Religion isn't bad, in and of itself. Bad religion is bad.

Let's define religion. Let's call on Merriam-Webster:

(1) : the service and worship of God or the supernatural
(2) : commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance

Another definition from Merriam-Webster: “a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices.”

Do you see? Religion doesn't have to be bad. If it's true toward God, helpful for self, and a blessing to others, it's a good religion.

If our "religion" -- meaning our observance, our worship, our attitudes, beliefs, and practices -- honor God, build us up, and cause us to act in love toward others, it's "good religion."

Conversely, if our religion doesn't actually connect us to God, build us up, or cause us to act in love toward others, it's "bad religion."

You see, dear friends, it's not religion itself that is bad, it's we as people who are bad. It's not that God is bad, it's that we often act bad in His name.

Look at some baseline thoughts on good versus bad religion from the Apostle James: "If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless. Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world." (James 1:26-27 ESV)

If you'll allow me a paraphrase, James says, "If you think your observances of God and habits of walking with God are good, but you run off at the mouth senselessly and think you are justified in it, your religion is bad. If you want good religion, make it about love in action; help folks, especially those marginalized, and don't be worldly. That's good religion."

It's not that Christian religion is bad. Religion is how we practice what we believe. What's bad is that some folks believe in the wrong stuff. Not walking in truth is bad religion. What's bad, and maybe worse, is that some people SAY they believe the right stuff, but they don't live what they claim to believe. That's bad religion.

Religion in and of itself is not bad. People are bad.

The worst sort of religion is religion that is not driven by relationship with God through Jesus Christ. That's bad in ideology, bad in practice, and bad for eternity.

Before we put religion down, we ought to ask ourselves what our personal attitudes, beliefs, and practices cause us to do. Do we truly honor God? Are we growing? Do we serve others in loving action?

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