Thursday, December 10, 2020

Stuff Jesus says...

Stuff Jesus says...

Whenever I'm tempted to settle for the go-along-get-along attitude of American Christianity, I simply open my Bible and start reading. Anywhere is fine, but I typically just start reading through the Gospels.

Jesus says stuff.

Jesus says complacency rattling stuff. Jesus says in-your-face, disturb-your-reality, bless-your-heart, burden-your-spirit stuff.

Jesus will blow right past our checklist religion and question us to find out if we have vibrant faith; He will determine if it's righteously and rightly placed in God's prescription of His will for our salvation and sanctification.

Jesus will challenge our self-centeredness, our self-sufficiency and our self-righteousness.

Sure, Jesus will defend the weak, but He also will define the faker.

Jesus will include the marginalized, but He also sanctifies the sinner.

Jesus will rebuke those with worthless religion, but He will also call people into worthwhile religion (side note: religion is not bad; people are the ones who make it bad).

Jesus will break the haughty, and He'll lift up the humble; He will call out the hateful and He will unveil what people hide.

Whenever we are slacking off or backing up or slipping or drifting...just get with Jesus. He'll get us on the straight and narrow! He'll put us on our face so that we're able to rightly stand in His presence.

Let this verse trouble your mind and rock your heart; Jesus said, "So therefore, any one of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple." (Luke 14:33 ESV)

Yeah; Jesus said that. Well then...

I think I'll wrestle with that a while.

Be blessed, beloved friends.

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