Saturday, October 17, 2020

Does the fear of man keep you from following God?

Near 'bout the worst thing I can imagine...

Some people clearly see God is, and many come to understand the necessity of Jesus. Many even see His saving power -- His exclusivity in all things pertaining to salvation. Many come to understand these things, and still refuse to surrender to God in Christ Jesus.

To me, just about the worst reason a person could give for not following Jesus is the fear of man. Still, it's real. Some people are sick of their guilt. Some are inspired by the Savior. Some are longing for more than they are. Some want a dynamic life. Some want deliverance from habits and strongholds. Some see the crowd they run with and want themselves and that crowd to change.

But, they don't...

Many settle for the familiar blanket of man's approval and miss Jesus. And, they know it. They know they are afraid to lose friends, or be left out or ridiculed. Many hate their "normal" but hate the idea of a new normal worse.

This is nothing new!

"Nevertheless, many even of the authorities believed in him, but for fear of the Pharisees they did not confess it, so that they would not be put out of the synagogue; for they loved the glory that comes from man more than the glory that comes from God." (John 12:42-43 ESV)

Do you see that? Many people believed on Jesus, but "they did not confess it..." They were afraid they would be "...put out of the synagogue..." Many people "...loved the glory that comes from man more than the glory that comes from God."

What are YOU afraid to be put out of?

What trinket...what trump or tramp or group or junk...what bauble are you keeping for fear of losing it AND all the while losing Christ?

What habit or hobby holds you from following Jesus?

What people's opinion do you find divine in the place of God's presence?

Near 'bout the worst thing I can imagine is ANYONE or ANYTHING stop a person from knowing God in Christ Jesus.

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