Wednesday, March 18, 2020

I don't care who knows it, I need Jesus.

I would've been in the crowd...
I don't mind admitting I have need. I need friends. I need prayer. I need love. I need physical healing. I need to grow spiritually and shrink physically. More than anything, I need Jesus. I'm totally okay letting anyone reading this know that I need God.
Karl Marx said, "Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people." Tim Bowes thinks Karl Marx is not so smart. If you run into him, feel free to quote me. But, let us suppose Karl Marx is saying that God is a crutch for weak people. Well, if that's what he means, Marxy-parxy is on to something. Except, I wouldn't call God my crutch that helps me limp along; I would say He is my life giver and life sustainer. And, be sure of this, I don't mean only physically. I do believe God gave this body of mine life, but, more importantly, He quickened my dead spirit and gave me spiritual life!
I'm one of these people: "And the whole city was gathered together at the door." (Mark 1:33 ESV) Yep, I'm in the crowd. I'm coming to Jesus. I need Him!
Are you familiar with what came right before the "...whole city...gathered together at the door"? Check it out: "That evening at sundown they brought to him all who were sick or oppressed by demons." (Mark 1:32 ESV) People had all sorts of problems, and they came to Jesus. But...
There's something more...
"That evening at sundown..." is significant. Why? The Sabbath had just ended. Religion allowed them to obey God, celebrate God and remember God. Need caused them to seek God. You see, dear friend, Sabbath law commanded rest from sundown on Friday till sundown on Saturday. In obeying God, they rested, and didn't go out. The moment their obedient rest was over, they went out to Jesus!
There is good religion. There is religion that helps the souls and honors the Savior. Good religion serves others and seeks God. Religion obeys Him, celebrates Him and serves Him. Need seeks Him. As for me, I love the religion God calls me to obey and I need the Savior He calls me to enjoy.
Yep, in the staying in the house and the running out to Jesus, I would have been in that crowd.

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