You're [not] it!
Do you remember those childhood games of tag? There are many variations of games in which, at some point, someone would tag you and you'd be "it". Boy howdy, I remember.
"It", by definition, is usually a subject or an object used in reference to some lifeless thing. "It" is "that one", as referencing an impersonal subject that is not the primary agent. "That one", as with a children's game, "the player in a game who performs the principal action of the game." (definitions thanks to Merriam-Webster)
We've played those games. We've been that person. We've been "it". The focus is on us; the pressure is on us. "You're it" transfers all of the responsible action over to us.
We've also heard of the "it factor", meaning someone that has something, though not exactly definable, that makes them a person of notice or importance. I think many of us want the "it factor" in our settings and situations.
We also think of "having it all" as a good thing. Someone has all the "it", meaning, they have everything they could possibly want or need. And, think about it, we say "it" in these cases usually from the outside looking in. We are usually saying, from our viewpoint, that someone has everything we'd like to be in the position of having.
Yes, this "it" thing can be a big word!
Whether in the issue of pressure, privilege or possession, "it" can be a big word. We often feel as if we are "it" or that we want "it" or that we don't have "it" -- whatever "it" is.
Much of "it", it seems, is focused on I. The pressure of being "it"; the pleasure of having "it"; the struggle of wanting "it"...these types of those put the focus on self.
For the believer, there has to be a shift. We're not it. Jesus is it. We don't have the it factor. The power and glory belong to God. We do not have it all, but we can have Him who does have it all. It's simply not about us.
The only superstar in Christendom is God. He's it!
No person is more important than another.
We share Him, and we share the calling.
God is it.
Paul gives us sound counsel: "Don't think you are better than you really are." (Romans 12:3b NLT)
Why? Number one, it's healthy. Number two, we're not it. We are a PART of something, but the whole is not about us and even being a part is not because of us. God is the superstar! Granted, it is a huge blessing to be a part of it ... er, HIM, and we ought to be excited and thankful, but, in and of ourselves, we're not it.
Paul goes on to say, "For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another." (Romans 12:4-5 ESV)
Every single part of the Body is important.
No ONE is it.
God is it.
For His fame, we are called in.
For His glory, we are transformed in.
For His purposes, we are given a place.
You're NOT it.
God is it.
Stay humble.
Yes, indeed, stay humble.
Know your role; be thankful you have a role, for it is by grace!
Consider one another.
Care for one another.
Compel one another to acts of love and good deeds.
Give God the glory. HE is it.