Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Squabbling believers do not please the Lord.

In conflict and controversy...
One thing I am sure of is Jesus desires to minister, mediate and move in the midst of His squabbling disciples.
In Mark 9, there are two incredible accounts of Jesus's intervention. To one crowd, Jesus calls them "faithless." To the second debate, Jesus said, "If anyone would be first..." Lack of faith led to one controversy / argument and the desire for one disciple to be preeminent above another led to the other.

In the first, Jesus enters the fray while it was occurring: "And he asked them, 'What are you arguing about with them?'" (Mark 9:16 ESV) In the second, Jesus waited to a more private time: "And they came to Capernaum. And when he was in the house he asked them, 'What were you discussing on the way?'" (Mark 9:33 ESV)
In the first argument, Jesus proposed they have faith and pray. In the second issue, Jesus told them they choose to be last. In the first, there is an inner spiritual working that must occur. In the second episode, there is outer actions that must happen that are driven by inner humility.
Jesus does not ignore conflict and controversy among His followers. Rather, He confronts it and demands we transform, humble ourselves, grow and walk by spiritual principles and disciplines.
Believer, what other believer are you having issue with right now? Before demanding another bow to us, let us understand God is calling us to bow to Him. He is calling us to walk by faith. He is calling us to pray. He is calling us to put others before ourselves.
As you wrestle with these things, may you be blessed with sweet fellowship in the Spirit.

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