Friday, January 17, 2020

Distractions that hinder.

The enemy does not care what distracts you, just that SOMETHING does...
Jesus is THE way. Jesus is THE truth. Jesus is THE life. There aren't any other paths to peace with God. Satan does not care what distracts us from this exclusive truth, as long as something does. We can be distracted by all sorts of sin, all of them separate. We can be distracted by our own good works. We can be distracted by other religions (or religion itself). We can be distracted by both legalism and liberalism. I could make an extremely long list, but you get the point.
We need helpful people in our lives, and we need to be helpful people.
What is a helpful person? It's someone who leads us in the way of righteousness, AND does NOT lead us in the way of destruction. "One who is righteous is a guide to his neighbor, but the way of the wicked leads them astray." (Proverbs 12:26, ESV)
A solid set of questions:
1. Who are we following?
2. Where are they leading?
3. Who are we leading?
4. Where are we going?
If the path and goal is not peace with God, we're being led astray...worse still, if we're not walking faithfully with Jesus, we're leading someone else astray.

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