Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Knowing God is humbling.

We are offended when someone thinks they are too good for us...
Do you understand that ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God? Someone who has great talent, or might be wealthy, or who may think of themselves as being great because of their race or supposed class, or someone who might think themselves exceptionally smart or cool or popular, or someone who may disdain others because they are "weak" or this or that is in a terrible position to mistreat others. They are liable to do that very thing, mistreat others. We must remember that God is no respecter of persons. All have sinned. Rich people have sinned. Poor people have sinned. Caucasians have sinned; every race has sinned. So-called cool people have sinned; uncool people have sinned. ALL have sinned.
Now, when any person who comes to God through Jesus Christ, they understand they have no merit to come to God; it is on the merit of Jesus they are allowed access, given forgiveness and are shown mercy* and grace**. That person understands that ALL have sinned and they understand THEY have sinned. Receiving acceptance and access to God, to the one who really has experienced it, is truly humbling. That person no longer looks at their human weaknesses because they are experiencing God's strength. That person no longer prides themselves in human strength because they are realizing how worthless the things we are proud of are in comparison to how good God has been to us, in spite of what we deserve.
Friend, do you know Jesus? If you do, are you losing any airs of superiority you've held in life? Are the walls of classicism and racism breaking away in your heart? Are you beginning to see people in a different light? Do you see yourself in a different light? Do you think you are "too good" for someone else?
It's hard to be proud when you realize every merit you've counted important in your own life has absolutely no importance in eternity when it comes to gaining access to God. It's hard to be proud when you finally confess "I am a sinner and I offend God's holiness and I need help, for I finally see that I cannot buy it, earn it and do not deserve it." When we finally see we NEED grace, we see any thoughts of us being "better" than anyone else on any level are disintegrated before our very eyes.
"My brothers, show no partiality as you hold the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory." (James 2:1 ESV)
Love - as an action of sacrifice, service and good deeds -- EVERYONE today. Show no partiality. ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. ALL need God. NONE are worthy of Him. But, thanks be to God, Jesus makes us worthy. NOT our merit; the Savior gives us access. Let us, then, not be proud, but remember God loves the whole world and whosoever can come to Him and be His blessed ambassadors of loving ALL people for His glory.
*Mercy = not getting what we do deserve. I.E. "The wages of sin is death..."
** Grace = getting what we don't deserve. I.E. "...but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus."

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