Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Are you checking off the boxes?

Don't simply go through the motions...

Reading Proverbs is healthy for many reasons, and one of the main reasons is how wisdom engages with everyday life. For example...

"To do righteousness and justice is more acceptable to the LORD than sacrifice." (Proverbs 21:3 ESV)

Many people assuage their own consciences with "check box" living. In other words, they do certain things with the attitude that says, "There, I did that. I'm okay." 

It's like saying, "I may do some wrong, but I do more right than wrong. I mean, hey, I go to church, I help who I can...I'm not as bad as some people."

What God desires is that we do what is right in His sight AND helpful to mankind AS we enjoy fellowship with Him. He doesn't want us to assuage our aching conscience alone. He doesn't want us to simply go through the motions. God desires we walk with Him, and to serve our fellow man for His glory and their good. 

Often, it's the self-centered life who wants to check things off just to feel okay. God calls us to the Him-centered and others-served lifestyle. Don't you see that, dear friend? That's it's better to do what it right to others than to simply do something just to calm our own conscience. 

See? I told you; wisdom works to winnow chaff from our ways!

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