Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Consider Jesus.

"Consider him..."

There it is; it's enough, too. Consider Jesus. Yes, consider His moral teachings. Consider His miracles. Consider His parables. Consider His leadership skills. Consider His character. Consider how Jesus treated women, children, and men. Consider how Jesus acted toward those who considered Him an enemy. Consider how Jesus believed in Creation and marriage and prayer and...well, everything! Consider how Jesus believed the Bible. On and on...

"Consider Him..." Yes. Do that. Consider Jesus. Make sure the following consideration is high on your list of things to consider.

"Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted." (Hebrews 12:3 ESV)

Jesus "endured" death on a cross, but more, too. John Gill said Jesus "...endured such contradiction of sinners against himself; against his person, they denying his deity, and speaking against his sonship, and against his offices; mocking him as a King, deriding him as a prophet, and treating him with the utmost contempt as a priest and Saviour; and against his actions, his works of mercy to the bodies of men, when done on the sabbath day; his conversing with sinners for the good of their souls, as if he was an encourager of them in sin, and a partner with them; his miracles, as if they were done by the help of the devil; and against the whole series of his life, as if it was criminal."

All that to say, "Consider him..." and don't give up. Don't ever give up! Believer, stand firm! Believer, hold fast! "Consider him..." and do not grow weary in maintaining your confession, seeking His abiding presence or in doing good works.

Yes, "Consider him..." and remember it was for His church that He suffered so; Jesus willingly endured it all for we who believe.

Beloved friend, consider Jesus...and you hang in there, you hear?

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