Saturday, July 18, 2020

Many need the Comforter.

It's not that raucous, unrecognizable thing we need when we say the Spirit of God is missing among the hearts of men. It's the likeness of Jesus we do not see enough.

He did not jump about wildly, nor did He speak in words unknown, but it was no mistake when He was present. When the Lord Jesus said the Spirit would come, He said, "And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever" (John 14:16 KJV). This promise was to those who will "keep" His commandments (see vs. 15). And, the promises of "another" means one just like Jesus. In other words, the Helper -- the Comforter; the Spirit -- is exactly like Jesus.

Among us today, being made present in His people, we need Jesus. 
I need Jesus.

In me, I need that Spirit to make me call out, "Abba, Father." 
In me, I need that Spirit to deliver Jesus to my need and brokenness. 
In me, I need that Spirit to be defeating death...
.... and ... delivering Life. 
In me, I need Jesus.

In me, I need that Spirit, who is just like Jesus, to love me just like Jesus loves me.

In me, I need that Spirit to chasten me when I'm wrong, heal me when I'm broken, forgive me in my sin and send me in this world.

In me, I need that Spirit to give me compassion for the hurting... for the unlovable...
...truth for the blinded...
...tenderness for the broken...
...firmness for the railing rebel... for the railing rebel...

In me, I need that Spirit to give me wisdom in the place of my ignorance...
...light in my darkness...
...the way in my floundering...
...righteousness in my taintedness...

In me, I need that Spirit to give me the character of God in the place of my ruined self.

I need Jesus. 
Our community needs people filled with the Spirit, that Jesus may walk the streets of Roxboro, roam the roads of Person County, stand strong in living rooms, and lead families to love and enjoy God forever. 
We need Jesus.

I'm not afraid to say I need Jesus. 
I'm not ashamed to say I need Jesus.

Are you?

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